Venetian Dawn
Venetian Dawn
Winter Sunrise with Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore
Winter Sunrise with Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore
Aqua Alta Waves at Palazzo Ducale 1
Aqua Alta Waves at Palazzo Ducale 1
Venice View (Black & White)
Venice View (Black & White)
Venetian Elegance Reflected
Venetian Elegance Reflected
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore (black & white)
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore (black & white)
Venice View (colour)
Venice View (colour)
Punta Della Dogana (black & white)
Punta Della Dogana (black & white)
Aqua Alta Waves at Palazzo Ducale 2
Aqua Alta Waves at Palazzo Ducale 2
Service Booth at Punta Della Dogana (black & white)
Service Booth at Punta Della Dogana (black & white)
Aqua Alta Walkway
Aqua Alta Walkway
Woman on Bridge
Woman on Bridge
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore during aqua alta 1
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore during aqua alta 1
Servizio Gondole (black & white)
Servizio Gondole (black & white)
Gondolas and Walkway 1
Gondolas and Walkway 1
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore during aqua alta 2
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore during aqua alta 2
Gondolas and Walkway 2
Gondolas and Walkway 2
Waiting at San Marco
Waiting at San Marco
Aqua Alta at Palazzo Ducale
Aqua Alta at Palazzo Ducale
Dancing at the Doge's Palace
Dancing at the Doge's Palace
Flooded Doorway at Piazza San Marco
Flooded Doorway at Piazza San Marco
Ponte de la Malvasia Vecchia
Ponte de la Malvasia Vecchia
Louis Vuitton Hi Viz
Louis Vuitton Hi Viz
Woman on Bench under tree
Woman on Bench under tree
Arched Door and Windows
Arched Door and Windows
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore at Night
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore at Night
Gondola Blades at Night (black & white)
Gondola Blades at Night (black & white)
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore at Night (black & white)
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore at Night (black & white)
Gondolas on the Grand Canal
Gondolas on the Grand Canal
Venetian Dawn
Venetian DawnEarly morning from the Palazzo Ducale, looking towards San Giorgio Maggiore.November 2019
Winter Sunrise with Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore
Winter Sunrise with Gondolas & San Giorgio MaggioreWinter sunrise with gondolas and San Giorgio Maggiore, taken from the Servizio Gondole outside the Palazzo Ducale (Doge’s Palace).November 2019
Aqua Alta Waves at Palazzo Ducale 1
Aqua Alta Waves at Palazzo Ducale 1High tide or aqua Alta taken from Palazzo Ducale and looking towards San Giorgio Maggiore.November 2019
Venice View (Black & White)
Venice View (Black & White)A view of Venice taken from Palazzo Ducale, looking towards the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute and the entrance to the Grand Canal.November 2019
Venetian Elegance Reflected
Venetian Elegance ReflectedNight time reflections of an elegant room, taken from Ponte de la Guerra.November 2019
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore (black & white)
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore (black & white)Gondolas and the church of San Giorgio Maggiore in back and white. Taken from Palazzo Ducale.November 2019
Venice View (colour)
Venice View (colour)A view of Venice taken from Palazzo Ducale, looking towards the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute and the entrance to the Grand Canal.November 2019
Punta Della Dogana (black & white)
Punta Della Dogana (black & white)Looking towards Guidecca from Punta Della Dogana. Night time long exposure in black & white.November 2019
Aqua Alta Waves at Palazzo Ducale 2
Aqua Alta Waves at Palazzo Ducale 2High tide or aqua Alta taken from Palazzo Ducale and looking towards San Giorgio Maggiore.November 2019
Service Booth at Punta Della Dogana (black & white)
Service Booth at Punta Della Dogana (black & white)Service booth at Punta Della Dogana at night time, looking towards Giudecca.November 2019
Aqua Alta Walkway
Aqua Alta WalkwayWoman with umbrella on walkway during the aqua alta (high tide). Looking towards San Giorgio Maggiore from Piazzetta San Marco.November 2019
Woman on Bridge
Woman on BridgeA woman standing on bridge engrossed in mobile phone at Campiello Feltrina San Marco.November 2019
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore during aqua alta 1
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore during aqua alta 1Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore in the early morning during the aqua alta (high tide). Taken from Palazzo Ducale.November 2019
Servizio Gondole (black & white)
Servizio Gondole (black & white)Servizio Gondole at Palazzo Ducale, looking towards San Giorgio Maggiore in black and white.November 2019
Gondolas and Walkway 1
Gondolas and Walkway 1Gondolas and walkway at servizio gondole by Palazzo Ducale, looking towards San Giorgio Maggiore.November 2019
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore during aqua alta 2
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore during aqua alta 2Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore in the early morning during the aqua alta (high tide). Taken from Palazzo Ducale.November 2019
Gondolas and Walkway 2
Gondolas and Walkway 2Gondolas and walkway at servizio gondole by Palazzo Ducale, looking towards San Giorgio Maggiore.November 2019
Waiting at San Marco
Waiting at San MarcoYoung woman sitting at at table at flooded Piazzo San Marco during an aqua alta. Black and white image.November 2019
Aqua Alta at Palazzo Ducale
Aqua Alta at Palazzo DucaleAn archway at the Doge’s Palace (Palazzo Ducale) during an aqua alta (high tide).November 2019
Dancing at the Doge's Palace
Dancing at the Doge's PalaceA couple dancing in the flood waters of the aqua alta (high tide) at the Palazzo Ducale (Doge’s Palace).November 2019
Flooded Doorway at Piazza San Marco
Flooded Doorway at Piazza San MarcoFlooded doorway off the Piazza San Marco during an aqua alta (high tide).November 2019
Ponte de la Malvasia Vecchia
Ponte de la Malvasia VecchiaThe Ponte de la Malvasia Vecchia with graffiti.November 2019
Louis Vuitton Hi Viz
Louis Vuitton Hi VizLouis Vuitton shop with manequin in bright yellow and man with hi viz jacket, during an aqua alta.November 2019
Woman on Bench under tree
Woman on Bench under treeA woman sitting on a red bench under an autumnal tree, with pigeons.November 2019
Arched Door and Windows
Arched Door and WindowsAn old arched door onto canal, with windows either side.November 2019
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore at Night
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore at NightGondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore at Night (colour), taken at the servizio gondole by the Palazzo Ducale (Doge’s Palace).November 2019
Gondola Blades at Night (black & white)
Gondola Blades at Night (black & white)The blades of moored gondolas at night in black and white.November 2019
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore at Night (black & white)
Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore at Night (black & white)Gondolas & San Giorgio Maggiore at Night (black & white), taken at the servizio gondole by the Palazzo Ducale (Doge’s Palace).November 2019
Gondolas on the Grand Canal
Gondolas on the Grand CanalGondolas moored on the Grand Canal at dusk outside the Peggy Guggenheim Collection.November 2019
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