Mairi Macaulay

I have taken photos on and off throughout my life, with whatever point and shoot was available to me and without any true understanding of photography. It was only when I got my hands on my first “proper” camera, a Leica V-lux1 (and had a short lesson on how to take it off automatic), that I became more serious about photography and developed a passion for it. I moved on from that camera, initially, to DSLRs and over the years I have managed to drown 2 cameras. I now shoot with Fujifilm cameras, particularly GFX50S medium format and XT-4, and am very careful around water!

I particularly enjoy landscape and travel photography, but also like to experiment with photography styles. I also like “playing” with still life and abstract images. While I enjoy photographing wildlife, this tends to happen on a more opportunistic basis!.

I hope you enjoy looking at my images. If you are interested in purchasing a print or licensing an image, please get in touch!

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